
Womens Class

  • Welcome to the new women's class series!

    This is a 6 part series that will happen once a month around the date of Rosh Chodesh.

    Sign up now and receive your book.

    First class is on Monday 22nd February at 8:30pm 

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  • Why did we decided to dedicate a special series of class for women? and why did we choose Rosh Chodesh?

    It might have something to do with your special connection to the new month and the energy it provides.

    Heres small intro at to the reason why.  

    Indeed, although the semi-holiday of Rosh Chodesh is celebrated by both men and women, there's a special feminine connection to the day. This expresses itself in the fact that women abstain from certain forms of work on this day.

    Golden Calf, when the women declined to participate in the "fundraising" effort and refused to surrender their jewellery for use in making the idol. As a reward, they were given Rosh Chodesh as a day which they observe more than the men.

    Rebbe elaborates on this a bit, and explains that the women's non-participation stemmed from their greater faith. Though they had just spent more than two centuries in idolatry-steeped Egypt, a fact that explains why the men caved so quickly at the hint of trouble, the women's faith remained unshakable, and they considered the idea of making an idol totally unthinkable.

    The Rebbe continues to explain that all of Judaism is based on this strong faith, and though faith at times can become "fuzzy," it is the women who, in every situation, remain steadfast in this faith and pass it on to their childrenâ€"the future generations. 

    Perhaps this explains the special connection to Rosh Chodesh. Rosh Chodesh celebrates the monthly renewal of the moon, after it wanes to the point of disappearance. Thus Rosh Chodesh celebrates the concept of perpetuityâ€"notwithstanding life's peaks and plunges. And it is the woman who – through her steadfast faith – ensures our nation's survival; it is she who ensures that no matter how much we wane, we will always be renewed. 

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