Rabbi Dr Laibl Wolf Shabbaton 

Topic: The Power of Love and Commitment - Is it about me or is it about you?

Shabbat 8th November 


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Rabbi Dr Laibl Wolf LL.B  M.Ed.Psych. D.Div., lectures in over 65 cities a year; training people in the discipline of mind consciousness, emotional intelligence through positive psychology and the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah. He is a psychologist, lawyer, and Hassidic Rabbi as well as a successful author. His bestselling Random House-published personal growth text, Practical Kabbalah has been translated into many languages and is considered the finest text on the layman’s understanding of the psycho-spiritual teachings within Kabbala. He has been a keynote speaker at International conferences on Mind/Body Medicine, the American Psychological Association, the Fortune 500, and others. He has held discussions with the Dalai Lama and other world spiritual leaders.

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